Morocco is such beautiful and welcoming country, it is very famous of it's friendly local, it is also a safe destination to be visited. People are very open to tourists in general but that doesn't mean you can walk 100 percent freely without paying attention. 
This is why this article is for you, so if you are coming to Morocco and you are wondering what are the things you can and can't do in this country ? This article will help you understand the do's and don'ts.


  • Respect the culture and religion, Moroccans are very welcoming , but you should respect their culture the most , also if you visit Morocco during Ramadan, be careful not to consume alcohol in public, they can understand if you drink or eat in the restaurants because you are a foreigner ,but it's preferable not to do it in less touristy areas. 
  • Haggle, and don't be afraid to do so, everybody negotiate in Morocco even locals,because in souks the price is rarely displayed, and they will vary according to the time of the day. 
  • Dress modestly when it comes to dressing in Morocco they don't actually make a big deal of it as long as it is respectful and modest, because you shouldn't forget that it is a muslim country. Just avoid revealing necklines, and short mini skirts, and if you want more ideas for your outfits check our dressing in Morocco BLOG.
  • Try Moroccan food step out of your comfort zone and eat the locals food, it is considered to have the best cuisine and best tasty plats. Do taste tagines and Couscous and if you need a guide for foods check it on this BLOG. Take note that every single part of the country has its own style of cuisine. 
  • Be friendly Moroccans are very social so it is preferable to keep in mind to be more opened and social more than you probably are. But don't worry like many tourists before you, you won't even know how you started talking freely and friendly with Moroccans. 
  • Take your time  i know most of us are very punctual, but Moroccans are more relaxed and they don't care about a significant time especially the Souks you won't find this problem with guides or anything else but in souks you will. So if they say the market , souks and Medina opens at 9, trust me it will open after 11 am. 
  • Try learning Moroccan words  Since you will be staying in Morocco for a long period , you should try to learn some basic words like thank you and hello. They will actually be happy to hear you speak their own mother tongue as a foreigner. 
  • Be on the Lookout for scammers pay attention carefully to scammers through markets or even guides, make sure you book your guide for the day if you want. And don't follow anyone easily to any alley, make sure that you are careful enough. 


  • Do not enter any mosque Not every mosque in Morocco is opened for tourists some of them are only for prayer, if you want to see inside you may ask for permission first, but if they decline just accept it because most of the mosques are for prayer. There is also a simple guide for museum and mosque lovers in here. 
  • Don't take pictures of people without asking for their permission some locals may be wearing traditional clothes and you will have the urge to take pictures of them, but please don't do that before asking for their permission. Some of locals doesn't like that and find it uncomfortable. So ask for permission first. 
  • Drink alcohol in public , yes some of the big markets and even restaurants sell alcohol for foreigners, but do not try to drink it publicly since it's offensive to their religion and culture, you can enjoy your drink inside your hotel , room or restaurant. 
  • Don't eat with your left hand  especially if you are sharing a plate with a moroccan , it is better to eat like they do with their right hand, since they believe that right hand is more neat and clean than the left one. 
  • Don't carry on expensive jewelry  try to leave your hotel with only essentials, because muggings do happen. So some pickpockets will regard jewelry as a sign of affluence and will try harder to con you in shops or steal from you on the street.And if that happens make sure to go to the police station. 
  • Criticizing the 3 topics , avoid giving bad type of conversation about the king , the country and the religion. Moroccans are very attached to these three and they take it as an offensive response if you talk in a rude way about them. 

Dear Travelers, this was all of the dos and don'ts that i can list for you, if you want more articles check our BLOG for more interesting topics about Morocco.

as the usual We would like to thank Top 10 Morocco Travel blogs list with their support for Moroccan Adventure, make sure to check their site


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